Paessler PRTG Network Monitor licenses & pricing

Choose the PRTG Network Monitor subscription that's best for you.

Monitor up to 500 aspects of your devices in your network, which usually means about 50 devices

Monitor up to 1,000 aspects of your devices in your network, which usually means about 100 devices

Monitor up to 2,500 aspects of your devices in your network, which usually means about 250 devices

Monitor up to 5,000 aspects of your devices in your network, which usually means about 500 devices

Monitor up to 10,000 aspects of your devices in your network, which usually means about 1,000 devices

Offers are for business customers only. All prices are annual and net without VAT.
All licenses are sold as three-year subscriptions with annual billing.

FAQ: PRTG Network Monitor

All PRTG Network Monitor licenses are available as subscriptions, paid annually. This way, you always have continued access to the latest version of PRTG including new features and security enhancements, as well as to our technical support.

PRTG licenses differ by the number of sensors* that you can add to your monitoring setup:

License name
Environment size Number of sensors Number of devices
PRTG 500Small Up to 500 About 50
PRTG 1000
Small & medium Up to 1,000 About 100
PRTG 2500
Medium Up to 2,500 About 250
PRTG 5000
Large Up to 5,000 About 500
PRTG 10000
Very large** Up to 10,000 About 1,000

* In PRTG, sensors are the basic monitoring elements. One sensor usually monitors one measured value in your network, for example the traffic of a switch port, the CPU load of a server, or the free space on a disk drive. On average, you need about 5-10 sensors per device.

** For very large environments, please also refer to our system requirements. If you have more than 1,000 devices, check out Paessler PRTG Enterprise Monitor.

For the 30-day Trial Edition, the number of sensors and devices is not restricted. The Freeware Edition includes up to 100 sensors for about 10 devices.

No, it is not possible to combine different PRTG Network Monitor licenses on one server, for example, buying a license for 500 sensors* and a license for 1,000 sensors does not mean that you can use 1,500 sensors in one installation. PRTG only accepts one license key per server. If you need more sensors, you can upgrade to a larger license any time.

* In PRTG, sensors are the basic monitoring elements. One sensor usually monitors one aspect of a network device, for example the CPU load of a server. On average, you need about 5-10 sensors per device.

If you already have a PRTG Network Monitor subscription, you can always upgrade to a larger PRTG Network Monitor license if you need more sensors. There are two scenarios:

  • Scenario 1: You want to upgrade with the start of a new subscription period. In this case, your new license contract (including the use of a larger number of sensors) is effective as of the date your new subscription period starts. Your license key remains the same.

  • Scenario 2: You want to upgrade mid-term. In this case, your new license contract (including the use of a larger number of sensors) is effective as of the purchase date. Please note that with the upgrade, a new subscription period starts. You will get a discount for the remaining days of the previous subscription period. Your license key remains the same.

It is also possible to upgrade within the PRTG product family and switch to a PRTG Enterprise Monitor or a larger PRTG Hosted Monitor subscription.

If you have any questions, please reach out to [email protected].

    All PRTG Network Monitor subscriptions give you continued access to the latest version of PRTG including new features and security enhancements, as well as email support via our support ticket system.

    Yes, you can. Please note that at any given time, you can merge your perpetual licenses into a subscription license. Please contact [email protected] for your individual subscription offer.

    The contractual period for a new subscription is 3 years, billed and paid annually. At the end of the initial 3-year subscription period, the subscription renews automatically, unless cancelled.

    For invoicing and payment, this means the following:

    • Payment by credit card: Your credit card will be charged on the day of purchase and the details securely stored. It will be charged again in the 13th and 25th months of the 3-year subscription period.

    • Payment by invoice: You will receive an invoice in the 1st, 13th and 25th months of the 3-year subscription period.

    If a subscription is cancelled, you won't have access to your installation anymore after your subscription period expired.

    If you need help with the order process, you have several options to contact us: